Detoxification can either refer to converting a substance in the body to a less toxic form, or to eliminating a toxic substance from the body.

The liver is the primary organ that converts a substance in the body to a less toxic form and / or converting the substance to a more easily eliminated form. Paradoxically, the liver converts a substance into a MORE toxic substance that can them be more easily eliminated.

The kidneys are the primary organ that eliminates water-soluble toxins from the body, while liver works with the gastrointestinal tract to eliminate water-insoluble toxins from the body via bile and feces.

Other organs of elimination include the skin, lungs, hair, and breast milk (not good for Baby!). Collectively, all the organs of elimination are referred to as the "emunctories."

Be careful when stimulating detox pathways that each step of the process is "open" and working effectively, so that the toxins do not get "stuck" somewhere along the path. For example, promoting Phase I of liver detoxification without making sure that phase II is also working properly and that the patient is not constipated or suffering from kidney failure can make the patient sicker! REFERENCES::